Friday, February 13, 2009

Weekend Surprise!!


Much to our delight, our cousin Tara and her new hubby Scott made a last minute road trip to Arizona.  They are such a fun couple and it was great getting to know Scott better.  His amazing homemade salsa was an added bonus.  The weekend was spent introducing Scott to all the "Foodie" musts in the valley.  You could call it an eating marathon!  Tara shared her talent and took some amazing family photos for us. Thanks Tara and Scott for spending Valentines with us, we love you! 


Tara helped me pick out a new "signature scent" 



Tara B said...

Yes, that was fun! I especially loved you smelling my gum to clear your nasal passages between perfume sniffs. And I am still craving Grimaldi's pizza, and Rosa's and in'n'out, and that italian place.... Hope we see you again soon!

Tara B said...

Can you send me your address? I need to mail you the pics I edited: